Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Embarrassing Travels on a Tuesday

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I’m a little late with last week’s blog tour post.
‘Tell a funny story about yourself’ is the post topic. The funniest story about myself involves both travelling and food (two of the five loves of my life) with a mortifyingly embarrassing end.

I love donuts and had wanted to try Dunkin Donuts from the minute I first caught a glimpse of one of their shops in Berlin while travelling there in June 2004. Sadly I was travelling with a super-budget-conscious boyfriend and a super-diet-conscious sister. I had to endure five days of passing numerous Dunkin Donuts’ outlets around Berlin until I threw caution to the wind and purchased two from Zoo station on our way to Weimer. Yes I ate both donuts and no, that is not the funny part of the story.

We arrive in Weimer, head to our hostel and find our three beds in a dormitory filled with German high school drama students. The rest of the day was a normal day in the life of a traveller, exploring Weimer while trying to spend as little money as possible.

Eventually we head back to the hostel to call it a night. I had the top bunk, my sister the bottom bunk and the boyfriend had a bunk on the other side of our dorm room. I go to hop up on my bunk bed and instead of settling into my sleeping bag I fall straight through the bed. The slats of my top bunk had become dislodged from their railing and I landed on my sister’s bunk below. I found myself entangled in slats and my sleeping bag with the mattress jamming me against the wall.
The hysterically high pitched laughter from my sister and boyfriend gained the attention of the German high school students who joined in with finger pointing, exclamations in German and yet more laughter. I too admit that I was also laughing at myself while being extremely embarrassed. The worst part was that I couldn’t pull myself out of the broken bed without someone’s help. I was stuck. My Australian and German rescue squads were too busy dying of laughter to assist me.

As my sister eventually helped me out of what remained of my bunk bed, she very seriously said to me, “I guess you won’t be eating Dunkin Donuts again.”

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